Food Plot Management

Following a long Pennsylvania winter, spring conjures images of tillers in gardens and farmers planting fields. But during the dog days of summer, most of us are thinking of beating the heat instead of planting crops.

Watershed Alliance of York

Through the Watershed Alliance of York, funding is available for riparian forest buffer implementation within York County. Funding can be used for multifunctional or traditional riparian forest buffer plantings. WAY encourages the widest buffer possible while considering landowner interest and other limiting factors - to provide flexibility, all riparian buffers must be at least 35 feet in width.

Forest Landowners and Managers for Climate Change Resilience:

By the DCNR Bureau of Forestry

Woodland Stewardship: Management Practices for Landowners

Learn about forest ecosystems, management, and stewardship practices, as well as wildlife, water, tree identification and measurement, and legacy planning.


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